LEX News

Changes at the Top: Where Do Distributors Stand?

Look around at the lighting landscape right now and Heraclitus’ infamous, “The only thing that is constant is change” quote appears to be playing out in nearly every corner of the market. Rapid advances in lighting technology, mergers and acquisitions, leadership changes, and changing buyer preferences are all having a profound impact on how electrical distributors go to market and sell their lighting products.

Boston Public Library: Desktop luminaires reflect past and help herald future.

Located on one of the most pedestrian-friendly and vibrant retail streets in Boston, the Boston Public Library provides the city with a world-class civic monument. 

LightPitch at LEDucation

If you missed LEDucation this year, here is a compilation of some exciting products and technologies that were on display at this year's event.

TRACKING ASSETS in a building using the lights is taking a major step closer this month as major supplier Osram unveils a simplified version of the technology.

Using a hospital as an example, Osram says medical equipment such as ultrasounds and portable ECG machines can be tracked in real time on an analytics dashboard. In order to be able to track assets, miniature radio transmitters called beacons are integrated into the lighting infrastructure. 

How to complement historic neighborhoods with modern LED lighting technology

What happens when high-tech lighting meets historic design? Here’s how modern LED lighting technology can complement homes and buildings in historic neighborhoods.