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Programming Announced for 2023 ArchLIGHT Summit at Dallas Market Center

Press Release | July 11, 2023 | The Lighting Exchange

ArchLIGHT Summit, the lighting trade event and educational platform for the architectural, specification and design communities, has announced its schedule of programming and events. The trade event, taking place September 19-20, 2023, will welcome attendees to review new technologies, network, and attend a wide range of CEUs from lighting and design/build thought leaders. The full list of speakers and schedule is now available at

Over two days, attendees will have access to more than 25 seminars, discussions, and events offering timely and  accredited sessions for lighting solutions, trends, and standards, but also addressing agency dynamics, diversity  and inclusion, workplace evolution, and allyship. There will also be plenty of networking and celebrating. Access  to the ArchLIGHT Summit show floor is complimentary, and a $50 flat fee will allow attendees access to all  education and hospitality events.  

“This is a show for amazing products but it’s equally important to unite the industry to connect, learn, and get  inspired,” said Cindy Morris, president and CEO of Dallas Market Center. “Our programming includes experts in  the field of lighting but also business and social issues that deliver insights for all attendees.” 

New for 2023, one of the presentation venues will be conveniently located on the ArchLIGHT Summit show  floor. This Light Bites stage will feature shorter, easily digestible sessions and engaging discussions.  

Speaker, event, and attraction highlights include: 

  • ArchLIGHT Summit welcome reception hosted by Women in Lighting + Design (WILD) on Monday,  September 18. This event will take place on the top floor of the Dallas World Trade Center, offering  spectacular sunset views of downtown Dallas. 
  • Happy Hour on Tuesday, September 19 sponsored by Casambi. It is open to all event attendees and  exhibitors with food, networking, fun and entertainment and is the kickoff to the “Lovers of Light” Game show. 
  • “Lovers of Light”, a popular team game show comprised of some of the industry’s leading designers  squaring off to debate lighting topics we care about, will follow the Casambi Happy Hour starting at 7:00  pm. Food, open bar, prizes and frivolity are guaranteed for this event benefiting the IALD Education  Trust.
  • The Dallas Section of IES will host a “Luminaire-Aware” Design Competition on the Light Bites stage on  Tuesday, Sept 19th. The competition is free to participate and is based on a format similar to the IES  Lighten Up! Luminaire Competition. Themed around sustainability, the name plays off of AWARE, an  innovative art installation commissioned exclusively for ArchLIGHT Summit by The Lighting Exchange.  This installation is sponsored by Lightly and Prentalux | Cooper Lighting, two brands known for  sustainability. 
  • Tuesday CEU Session Highlights include: 
    • HOK’s Ben Crawford moderating an AIA Dallas panel discussing the importance of lighting in  public spaces. Panelists include 5G Studio’s Yen Ong, lighting designer Scott Oldner and Ryan  Companies’ Dana Hamdan, who worked on the AT&T Discovery District project while at Gensler  in Dallas.
    • Katherine Stekr and Carrie Hawley of HLB Lighting Design will discuss the complexities of color,  science and design
    • Davidson Norris of Carpenter Norris Consulting will talk about daylighting in the context of the  MTA’s Fulton Transit Center in NYC
    • Matthew Fracassini of The Lighting Practice Dallas office presents Factoring Sustainability into  Your Firm’s Specification Process. 

Wednesday’s session highlights a versatile array of sessions for attendees and a dedicated agenda for  participating students from regional universities. Wednesday will include designated Student Day with  student-oriented versions of the TM-30 and lighting control sessions, a workshop with Light Justice addressing lighting inequity in a local underserved community, as well as a presentation from the IALD  Education Trust about the lighting design profession. Students and educators receive complimentary  registration to both event days. 

  • Wednesday CEU Session Highlights include:
    • AIA Dallas’ Latinos in Architecture group will present on the Light Bites Stage
    • Hayley Kinlaw and Ryon Sommerer of AE Design will explain how to navigate budgets in  professional lighting design
    • Over both days, lighting designers Tony Esposito and Jason Livingston will present an updated  version of their popular TM-30 color rendition demonstrating, illustrating these concepts using  different textures and colors, even using live models to express effects on skin tones.
    • Another session repeated to ensure capacity will be accommodated will be Shoshanna Segal of  Hartranft Lighting Design presenting about tools for successful lighting control specification. 

For the second year in a row, the September 19-20 ArchLIGHT Summit will overlap and co-locate with NAILD’s  annual Convention, scheduled for September 17-19, as well as Dallas Design Week, September 19-21, which  welcomes hundreds of interior designers. 

A current list of Association Partners for the 2023 ArchLIGHT Summit includes: American Institute of Architects  Dallas Chapter, American Lighting Association, Illuminating Engineering Society Dallas section, Light Justice,  International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Education Trust, Lighting Controls Association,  National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors (NAILD), National Lighting Bureau, North American  Coalition of Lighting Industry Queers, and Women in Lighting + Design international and local chapters.

Media Partners for the 2023 ArchLIGHT Summit include: Arc; ARCHITECT; Architectural Products; Architectural  SSL; Commercial Construction & Renovation; Designing Lighting; Designer Pages; Edison Report; Energy Watch  News; Furniture Lighting & Décor; “Get a Grip on Lighting” Podcast; Inside.Lighting; Light Director; LightNow  News; US Lighting Trends and The Lighting Exchange.


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