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How to complement historic neighborhoods with modern LED lighting technology

Design Tips & Techniques | March 07, 2018 | The Lighting Exchange

Lighting design trends have always been driven by available technology and energy sources. In the 18th century, that meant candlepower. In the 19th century, it meant whale oil, kerosene and gas. In the 20th, electricity. Today, advancements in LED lighting technology are allowing cities to replace their outdated roadway lighting in exchange for more energy-efficient and smarter lighting. But, what happens when high-tech lighting meets historic design? Here’s how modern LED lighting technology can complement homes and buildings in historic neighborhoods. 

Selecting antique street lighting fixtures
Today, it’s common to find high-pressure sodium cobra head fixtures that still light many streets, mounted 25 to 30 feet above the ground and often spaced 150 feet or more apart. In comparison, lantern, acorn and teardrop fixtures are common in historic districts and neighborhoods to match old-fashioned gas street lamps, which were typically mounted just 10 to 15 feet above the ground. The visual factors related to antique street lighting can help recreate the look and feel of a certain era. But it’s key to understand how to ensure that lighting enhances the aesthetic of the neighborhood while still providing optimal visibility.

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